This is my lesson plan for my CEP 800 class. The assignment was to create a lesson plan that used a specific technology and also applied the TPACK elements. I've included the plan below (both in text and a PDF link).
Benoit Lesson Plan:
“Where I am From” Poem and Digital Story
Integrated: Google Drive/ Slideshow Websites
Ms. Melissa Benoit
Area: 12th grade English
This lesson fits the 12th
grade curriculum for poetry and self-exploration. It will teach students about
the elements of poetry and especially the “Where I am From” format. Through the slideshow websites students will
create a digital story demonstrating their understanding for the “Where I am
From” poetry, as well as how to visually present their poem using a slideshow
website. The lesson plan will take approximately a week of time with each class
being approximately seventy minutes.
Computers with Internet access (computer lab time)
· (Gmail based) accounts
Copies of “Where I am From” poem
“Where I am From” template copies
“Where I am From” example poems (on computer)
Poetry self and peer edit copies
A list of slideshow websites
“Where I am From” digital story examples (on computer)
A list of Creative Commons image websites
MLA citation generators
Common Core Standards:
W. 11-12.3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined
experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and
well-structured event sequences.
W. 11-13.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the
development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and
W. 11-12.5: Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning,
revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.
W. 11-12.5: Use technology including the Internet, to
produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others.
L. 11-12. 1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard
English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
L. 11-12.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard
English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Day 1
Student Will Be Able To (SWBAT):
Review poem elements (imagery, descriptions, tone, showing
not telling, figurative language, etc).
Read and discuss the original “Where I am From” poem.
Analyze “Where I am From” poem for content and poetry
Discuss student examples of “Where I am From” poems, focusing
on good/ bad qualities.
Read and discuss project requirements and expectations as a
Complete a template with own experiences (finished for
homework as needed).
Day 2
Check-in with instructor over completed template to get
feedback and suggestions.
Write a rough draft of their “Where I am From” poem using
Google Docs.
Ask questions and seek help as needed.
Finish the poem outside of class if necessary.
Day 3
Peer and self edit rough drafts to finalize poem using
worksheet and Google Docs.
Discuss and explore the different options for making their
digital story (via list of websites).
See examples of digital stories done from previous years.
Choose a format to create their digital story.
Brainstorm and storyboard their digital story (this can be
finished outside of class time).
Day 4
Review and discuss how to find and cite Creative Commons
images online.
Search Internet for Creative Commons images to use in their
Save images to Google Drive to insert into project.
Create digital story using a slideshow website (time outside
class should also be used).
Day 5
Review finding and citing Creative Commons images.
Discuss Works Cited slide and how it should look.
Ask any pending questions about digital story
Finish digital story (for homework if needed).
Day 6
Present digital stories to the class.
Reflect on project through a survey and writing.
Formative: Discussions, check-ins, brainstorms, storyboards,
revisions, etc will be used to access student understanding and plan
accordingly. Students will be assessed for participation.
Summative: The final poem and editing process (template,
rough draft, peer/self edit, etc) will be graded for format, content, form,
voice, descriptive language, etc. The
final poem implemented into the digital story will be graded for content and
creativity through a pre-discussed rubric.
Google survey reflecting on tools used and implementation of
Write-up about what they learned and how the process
improved their understanding of themselves, poetry, and digital movie making.
Your lesson
plan should address the following issues:
- Content:
Students will demonstrate their
understanding of “Where I am From” poetry by writing a personal “Where I am
From” poem and then turning their poem into a digital story. Students struggle
with poetry because of its unique format and creative elements. They have a
hard time using lots of detail and making the writing vivid and exciting. By
giving students a template to work off of, the process becomes manageable while
still assessing the poetry criteria and letting students be creative. The poem is also personal, so students can
use real life memories and experiences to help guide their writing. As seniors,
they are about to leave school and head out into the real world. A lot of
them have questions about where they are going and what their future looks
like. So we spend some time thinking about who they are and where they came
from in an effort to help them realize how far they have come and give them
some confidence to take the next step. The reflection at the end gives me
feedback about the process and also lets them reflect on what they learned and
how the project went. The Common Core Standards (applicable ones listed above)
focus solely on content skills like writing; however a big theme (from the
state of Michigan standards) in Senior English is learning where you come from
and applying that to how you’ll be a leader in the future. So I used the standards
to drive my instruction, I also thought about the themes/ big ideas of the
class and what students need at this point in their lives.
• Who am I?
• What does my story say
about me?
• Why do memories mean so
• What most influences the
choices we make?
• How does the environment
in which we live or are raised shape us?
- Pedagogy:
Discussion will be used to review the
different elements that go into a poem. This discussion will be a low-states
opportunity for students to review the elements as a class. Next, we will read
and analyze the poem “Where I am From” by George Ella Lyons. Reading it out
loud as a class makes sure everyone student hears and sees the poem. There will
be a copy of the poem for each student and a larger visual on the overhead
projector. After reading, the class will discuss anything they didn’t
understand or want more information about. We will then discuss what word
choices she made and pick out any poem elements that were done especially well.
Next, I’ll put student examples on the overhead projector and students will
discuss what things they recognize and what the student did or did not do
effectively. This form of modeling will show students how to write their own.
The requirements and rubric will be given, so students know what is expected of
them before they even start working. To help them follow the “Where I am From”
format and get a start on the assignment, students will be given a template to
complete about their own life. This scaffolding will allow students to go off
on their own ready to take on the task. The writing of the poem will be done on
Google Docs and shared with me. Students will also peer and self edit to help
finalize their poem. This form of collaboration will be essential for students
to make their poem better. Students will be given some slideshow websites to
use and will be allowed to try them out before starting. They can share what
sites they liked with each other to help each other choose a website tool. Also,
samples from previous years will be shown to students. I will scaffold this
section and provide less and less instruction to the students in order to let
them grasp the information on their own. The reflection at the end gives me
insight into what students took away from the project and also lets them
contemplate what they learned and how it has changed their understanding.
- Content & Pedagogy:
Different learning styles will be
addressed in this lesson through the use of modeling, scaffolding, and various
discussions and check-ins. The Social Cognitive Theory of modeling will help
students who don’t understand the concept. The example poems and projects will give
concrete ideas of what the project should look like. Having discussions and
providing a rubric will make expectations of how the poem should be written and
the story completed. The reflection at the end will help students adjust their
thinking and contemplate what they learned. Some scaffolding will be done, but
only a little since they are seniors and will have other resources available to
them. The students receive a template to help them work through the format of
the poem. Students will feel a sense of value and accomplishment since they
have to showcase their story to a larger audience. The project also lets
students give a creative spin to a poem. Constructivism is also used with
students working through the process of making a video. They have to think critically about the
choices they are making for images, sound, and text. The websites will take some getting use to for
students, since it’s a new process. They are pretty easy to use and have very
limited tools that students need to learn. The goal is to get students to
express themselves in a new, engaging format. The poem connects to them
personally and
- Technology:
For my technology, I am going to be
using Google Docs in conjunction with a slideshow making website like,,,, etc. The writing and
editing of the poem will be done using Google Docs, which makes it easy to
share and edit from anywhere. Then students will be introduced to a slideshow
website to construct their video. They will need to find Creative Commons
images to include in their video as well as music or narration. Everything is
digital and offers instant access for students. They can get their poem and
edit it no matter where they are. They can also give feedback to a peer without
being in the same place. The slideshow websites offer advantages in that they
can be worked on from anywhere a student has Internet access. Unlike iMovie,
MovieMaker or Photostory (which have to be downloaded to a computer), the
slideshow websites are all online. This means students can edit and work on
their slideshow outside of class. The technology allows someone who feels they
aren’t very creative or technology savvy the chance to create a very polished
product. The technology also makes the assignment feel less like another class
assignment and instead like a more personal, meaningful piece. At the end, they
have a movie about their life to show off!
5. Technology & Pedagogy:
The technology fits my pedagogy by
allowing students to work on the project anywhere, thus expanding the
classroom. The Google Doc feature allows
students to continually edit and discuss their poem. They can have numerous
people edit and help them with their poem even outside of the classroom. This
form of collaboration will help students critically think about their poem and
feel more value in writing it, since multiple students will be able to see it. The
digital stories make the project seem authentic to students. They are creating
something meaningful they can show off and be proud of. Examples are digital
and students can access those online to have various viewpoints of the project.
The digital story making forces them to think critically and use their English
skills. Scaffolding is done at a minimum since students have online resources
and tools to use. This allows senior level students to learn how to work
through a process on their own, a skill they will be using often in the future.
The reflection at the end helps students think about their learning and reflect
on what they accomplished in this process.
- Technology & Content:
The technology helps me teach the “big ideas”
and meet my standards by encouraging students to creatively write about
themselves in Google Docs and then display it in a final video. It allows
students to reflect on how far they have come and what makes them who they are.
The hands-on format of the video is a real-world problem students need to
solve. The way they create their video will really show they learned the “Where
I am From” format and are able to express themselves in a creative and
authentic way. It also displays their poetry knowledge and ability to construct
a coherent narrative piece of writing. They peer-edit and draft their poems,
which is another important skill, as revision will be a tool they use again. Finally,
it shows their technology skills and how they can work through the process of
making a video. They have to overcome challenges, think critically, and try
different avenues before finalizing their project.
- Assessment:
I want my students to reflect on their
own lives and what has impacted them to be where there are now. I also want
them to feel comfortable sharing their story and producing something to
showcase publicly. The “Where I am From” poem is one tool to assess if
students have learned about language, voice, purpose, audience, figurative
language, description, etc. The quality of the poem will let me know how well
students can implement these tools into their writing. The peer editing will
let me know if students are able to collaborate and accept critical feedback.
The digital story will let me know that students are able to work through a
process with just the necessary tools, resources, and examples. I will know my
students have succeeded when they present their final project. Technology is a
tool they will need to know how to navigate and understand no matter what they
do in life. This experience will teach them how to think through processes and
produce a quality product.
Overall, the project offers
a chance for students to engage with the content in a meaningful way. They will
produce a poem which is a narrative about themselves and make a movie showcasing
this story of “where they are from”. The poem also displays their mastery of English
skills especially in regard to poetry elements. It also addresses multiple
learning behaviors and helps appeal to different learning styles. Students get
lots of examples and modeling, with some scaffolding to make sure they
understand the assignment and are supported by both teacher and peers in the
process. The technology component gives students a chance to complete a
hands-on assignment and show it off in a meaningful way. In this lesson plan,
content, pedagogy, and technology are integrated together to create an
authentic assignment to promote student understanding and success.
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